Rajnish Chander Sharma

Deen Dyal Upadhaya Hospital, India

Title: Is Keratosis obturans a predisposing factor for external auditory canal cholesteatoma: Some interesting cases


To define that Keratosis Obturans is one of the predisposing factor for External Auditory Canal Cholestetoma. 
Materials and Methods: 920 patients were analysed retrospectively between July2012- March 2013 with history of dull earache, fullness and cerumen in External Auditory Canal. The External Auditory Canal examination was done only after removal of Cerumen. 
Result: Total 920 patients were examined and wax was removed succesfully except in three patients where it was removed manually under cover of analgesic and antibiotic. After this examination of External Auditory Canal, tympanic membrane, middle ear, ossicles was done clinically. In case -1,only inflammation was present. In case -2,both inflammation as well as widening of bony part of EAC was present along with perforation of TM left side. In case-3, erosion in the bony part of EAC with cholesteatoma sac. On CT scan ,there was no extention of the disease process. 
Conclusion: KO is uncommon and occurs mainly as desquamative process of ear canal. Both KO and EACC has overlapping of sign and symptoms to some extent. KO is common in comparison to EACC and later usually occur in long standing or in neglecting cases of KO.

Keywords: Canaloplasty, Cerumen, Cholesteatoma, Ear wax, Keratosis obturans, Otalgia, Otorrhoea, Tympanitis


To be updated